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Rotational Model of Hybrid Learning

In my local IU there has been a lot of discussion about the Rotational Model of Hybrid Instruction. I like the model! In this model the class is split within three groups, helping to differentiate for individual needs, where there are 3 stations within the classroom: Teacher Led, Collaboration station, and Independent Work station. Here is a fantastic EdSurge article on the model. It's also outlined in the video below. 

I came across an article on the model that I liked which provides additional options for the the rotational model on top of the Teacher Led/Collaboration/Independent. You can find the article at this link.  

I like that the additional models discussed in the article, such as the “Lab Rotation” may be able to meet additional needs that some learners have such as need for repeated exposure or hearing topics in more than one way, as well as possibility for assessment within the rotation. 

Let’s say you use the Lab Rotation model for a day, a learner that requires multiple exposures to a concept could start at Lab station 1 watching a video on the topic through Khan Academy, for example, then move to Lab Station 2 watching a video through EdPuzzle or read an article on ActivelyLearn where there are also questions inserted within the video to assess their learning giving them immediate feedback on their efforts for the last 2 stations, then finally ending up at the Teacher Led station having previewed the concept 2 times coming prepared for a discussion to demonstrate their new knowledge of the concept. While a learner that is more advanced could go to Lab station 2 to begin, demonstrate their knowledge of the topic through the EdPuzzle video or ActivelyLearn article, come to the Teacher led station for an advanced version of the lesson and/or project introduction then go to Lab station 1working on a the creating a video tutorial that can be used to teach the rest of the class and/or working on the project that was just discussed at the teacher led station. 

I like how this article demonstrates that the model does not have to be FIXED into the 3 stations and can be flexible to meet learner needs, opposed to always coming up with a Collaborative/Independent/Teacher Led: these three things are great for teaching skills and the 4Cs, but some lessons may not lend themselves to these particular stations. 

As always I hope you find this helpful! ~ Ryan 


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